Fixing the
Business of Food

Private Sector Alignment with the SDGs and Accountability to Achieve Food Systems Transformation

The global food system must be fundamentally transformed to operate within planetary boundaries and to enable human wellbeing. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize the vital role of companies in achieving the goals, including mitigating the sector’s harmful impacts on human and planetary health and supporting broader SDGs achievement.

Current sustainability frameworks, standards, reporting, and certifications do not sufficiently support or measure SDGs alignment of the food sector; indeed, even as corporate sustainability efforts increase, corporate alignment with the SDGs continues to face fundamental challenges.

On September 16, the online event “Fixing the Business of Food – Private Sector Alignment with the SDGs and Accountability to Achieve Food Systems Transformation” took stock of a range of initiatives to support the alignment of food companies with the SDGs, and to promote the rigorous discussion, assessment, reporting, and action that are needed to support the necessary transformations.

With this in mind, we have invited all food companies that are ready to play their part in contributing to transform the food systems within their sphere of influence to join us in this discussion.

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The Project

The food sector is key to contribute to achieving sustainable food, land, water, and oceans. The Fixing the Business of Food initiative aims to raise awareness about the major challenges, opportunities and responsibilities for the food sector, identifying effective sustainability pathways towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 and the Paris Climate Agreement.

Four pillars for SDG alignment

Many food business leaders have already taken important steps towards alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement, but that much more is needed. The SDGs are a call for deep transformations in society, with time-bound objectives for 2030. The necessary changes are complex and will require shared, holistic, long-term strategies.

Discover the Reports “Fixing the Business of Food”

The project timeline

Project kick off

24 September 2019

Assessment of the industry’s progress to date in aligning with the SDGs and Report launch.

2020 Report launch

22 September 2020

A Critical Cross-Sector Dialogue to Re-Strategize Food Businesses.

Business consultation

May 2020

Series of meetings with food business leaders, to share SDG-based operating principles.

2021 Report launch

16 September 2021

Private Sector Alignment with the SDGs and Accountability to Achieve Food Systems Transformation.
